Volunteer with Us

The Working Group

Seating and flower tubs care of an Eden Jubilee Fund Grant.

Fairhill Working Party is made up of a small group of trustees and volunteers who carry out regular checks on safety and upkeep in the park. Wherever possible, we make repairs or replace equipment ourselves and meet every Tuesday morning to carry out necessary work. Over the last two years we have completed many different tasks, from renewing fences, trimming trees and hedges and clearing storm damage, to bigger projects such as replacing the swings in the kiddies’ play area, creating a woodland walk and children’s animal trail and sprucing up the Angel to make a Jubilee Garden and seating area.

We are solely reliant on grants, fundraising and generous donations, so volunteers play a vital role in ensuring that Fairhill remains a safe and enjoyable facility for the whole community, as well as visitors to the area.

At present, we are limited by both time and finance, so feel that with extra help from others we could do so much more – can you help? You do not need to have any particular skills – there is always a job for everyone, whether it is litter-picking, painting a fence, gardening or carrying out routine repairs. Anyone is welcome.

If you are interested in joining us come along to Fairhill on a Tuesday morning between 10.00am and 12.00noon. We look forward to seeing you!

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The working group in action

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The working group in action

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The working group in action

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New swing in kiddies playground donated by Alston Angling Club

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Copyright: Alston Recreation Ground Trust 1899 - 2024

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Fairhill Recreation Ground - The Working Group